This informational notice covers how Beaumont Financial Partners, LLC safeguards nonpublic personal and financial information. Protecting the privacy of client information is one of our fundamental responsibilities. This notice summarizes our policy regarding the confidentiality and non-disclosure of client information. We do not sell or rent any personal information we gather from clients and will only share such information with others as stated in this notice.

Personal Information Collected

Beaumont clients provide their personal information and information about their family to Beaumont. Information we may request includes:

  • Name, address, phone number, social security number, tax identification number and date of birth.
  • Assets, employment history, income, liabilities, retirement goals and legal documents.
  • Account balances, account numbers, statements, and custodians.
  • Beaumont or the custodian may require a photocopy of a valid driver’s license, passport, green card, or military
    identification when opening new accounts for clients. Many financial institutions in the United States require a copy of at least one of these documents to comply with Uniting and Strengthening America by Protecting Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, also known as the USA PATRIOT Act.

Beaumont often receives client information from custodians including:

  • Duplicate copies of monthly statements and trade confirmations
  • Daily electronic downloads of clients’ account information (e.g., all transactions and positions).

The custodian must receive authorization from the client before sharing the aforementioned information with Beaumont. This is part of the account opening process.

Why We Collect Personal Information

The personal information we collect is necessary to help us provide informed investment management, financial planning and/or tax services to you. The more complete the information we have the better equipped we will be to manage your investment portfolio consistent with your goals, needs, and comfort level.

How We Handle Your Personal Information

As emphasized above, we do not sell, rent, or distribute information about current or former clients or their accounts to third parties. We do not share such information with anyone, except as needed in the normal course of business, such as to open accounts, satisfy required compliance reviews, and complete transactions in your accounts.

For example:

  • To open accounts or complete transactions for you, it may be necessary to provide identifying information to custodians, companies, individuals, or groups not affiliated with Beaumont. In addition, Beaumont may provide the custodian with a copy of the Investment Advisory Agreement with the client.
  • At times, we contract with non-affiliated companies to perform services for us (i.e., CPAs for tax preparation and Financial Recovery Technologies for class action recovery). As necessary, we share information we collected from you to these third parties. We only release the information necessary for the third party to complete its assigned responsibilities. In addition, we require these third parties treat your personal information with the same high degree of confidentiality as Beaumont.
  • We will release information about you if you request us to do so or if we are compelled to do so by law. If you decide to close your account(s) or your account becomes inactive, we will continue to adhere to our privacy policy.

It is always our intent to protect and maintain the integrity of any client information collected or received during the relationship. Beaumont has contractual agreements with third party vendors stipulating the limitations of any information to which they may have access. In short, all non-public client information is kept confidential and not shared, sold, copied, or otherwise used. However, Beaumont clients have the option to opt-out of having their information shared with any third parties. If you are a client, or once you become a client, and would like to opt-out of having your information shared please contact your relationship manager or call the number at the end of this notice.

Confidentiality and Security Procedures

Beaumont emphasizes the importance of confidentiality through operating procedures, employee training and our client privacy policy. We also maintain electronic, physical, and procedural safeguards to help protect your nonpublic personal information. Transmission of client confidential information is done is a secure manner using encryption programs as a safeguard against hacking or in the event an email is compromised.

How You Can Protect Your Information

If you access your accounts on-line, you should confirm that the anti-virus software and firewall/spyware protection is current on the computer(s) that you use. Avoid using public computers, such as at a library, internet café, hotel, etc. to access your accounts whenever possible. We also strongly recommend that you select a unique User ID and Password that does not contain any personal information (i.e., SSN, DOB, Name, phone #, etc.) and is not identical to other passwords you use. An additional best practice is to not provide any of your account information, including online account usernames or passwords, to anyone, especially if you receive the request via email or over the phone by an unfamiliar source. We also suggest that you regularly review the activity on your brokerage statements, particularly withdrawals and transfers. Please contact us immediately if you notice any suspicious or irregular activity relating to your account(s); or if you believe your information has been compromised.

Annual Notification

As required by federal law, Beaumont provides a copy of its client privacy policy (this document) to clients at least annually. Beaumont reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. We will promptly provide clients an updated copy of this policy if we make material changes.


Massachusetts law (Sec. 203A) requires disclosure that information on disciplinary history and the registration of the adviser and its associated persons may be obtained by contacting the Office of Investor Education and Advocacy at the Securities and Exchange Commission at (202) 551-8090 or the Massachusetts Securities Division at (617) 727-3548.


Beaumont maintains compliance with Massachusetts requirement 201 CMR 17.00 and applicable federal guidelines. The firm has a designated Information Security Manager, as defined in its Written Information Security Program (WISP). This Program is consistent with the stringent requirements of Massachusetts and outlines the responsibilities of the firm and its personnel to protect client data. Although the WISP requirements only pertain to residents of Massachusetts, the firm extends these standards to all clients. Beaumont is also aware of and considers the stipulations set forth by individual states. In addition, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC), Regulation S-P provides further guidance and requirements for handling and protecting non-public client information (NPI). Beaumont adheres to and applies these standards to its business and handling of client information.


In accordance with SEC Rule 206(4)-6 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 relating to Proxy Voting, Beaumont is notifying you of its Proxy Policy: Beaumont does not vote proxies on behalf of its clients. Our Investment Advisory Agreement explicitly states the Client maintains full authority to vote proxies. If our current proxy policy changes, we will promptly notify our clients.


Federal law, through the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), requires Beaumont Financial Partners, LLC to provide clients with either (1) a complete, Disclosure Document (Form ADV, Part 2A); or (2) a summary of material changes to the Disclosure Document since the last annual update and offer to provide a copy of the full Document upon request, without charge. This is required per Rule 204-3 of the Investment Advisor’s Act of 1940 and be completed within 120 days of the firm’s fiscal year end. If at any time you would like a complete copy of our Disclosure Document, please call, or write, using the following information, and we will send a copy. Beaumont Financial Partners. LLC – 250 1st Avenue, Suite 101 – Needham, MA 02494 – (781) 400-2800.

Additionally, our Disclosure Document is available via our website,

No action is required because of this notice, however, please contact us if you have any questions.