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So far Tom Scanlon has created 28 blog entries.

Q3 2020 Market Insight: Economy, Not Election, Will Drive Returns

This continues to be one of the most unpredictable years in recent memory, as markets remained strong in the third quarter despite a resurgence in coronavirus cases. Equity markets rallied thanks to a combination of accommodative Fed policy, hopes for a COVID-19 vaccine, and a stronger-than-expected economic rebound. Read the Newsletter

Q3 2020 Market Insight: Economy, Not Election, Will Drive Returns2021-02-17T18:47:06-05:00

Beaumont Financial Partners Named to 2020 Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisors

Beaumont receives this industry recognition for the fourth consecutive year Needham, MA (July 30, 2020) – Beaumont Financial Partners, LLC (“Beaumont”) today announced that it has been named to the 2020 Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisors. The list recognizes top independent RIA firms from across the United States. Beaumont was selected as one [...]

Beaumont Financial Partners Named to 2020 Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisors2020-07-30T20:33:19-04:00

Q2 2020 Market Insight: Unprecedented Times

While only half over, 2020 has proved to be an unprecedented year thus far. The global pandemic seems to have changed our world forever. In this ever-changing world, one thing has not changed: our commitment to provide you sound, stable advice as we navigate these uncertain times together. We are happy to share our Q2 [...]

Q2 2020 Market Insight: Unprecedented Times2020-07-30T20:32:40-04:00

Q1 2020 Market Insight: We Are Here For You

Together we are facing a truly unprecedented situation as the global COVID-19 pandemic impacts our way of life. We all understand that these are difficult times for everyone and hope to recover from this pandemic soon, as a stronger global community. As you stay safe at home, we are happy to share our Q1 2020 [...]

Q1 2020 Market Insight: We Are Here For You2020-04-15T19:32:19-04:00

Summary of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

This update summarizes the developments of the most massive stimulus bill in American history, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The CARES Act will provide billions of dollars of relief to individuals, businesses, state and local governments, and the health care system suffering the impact of the COVID‐19 coronavirus in the United [...]

Summary of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act2020-04-15T18:42:22-04:00

Health Savings Account—The Multipurpose Savings Plan

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is among the most flexible tax-advantaged savings tools available today.  Among the key attributes of HSA plans are that they provide their users the ability to save for future healthcare expenses and also provide another method to help investors save for their retirements in a tax-deferred way. What is a [...]

Health Savings Account—The Multipurpose Savings Plan2020-07-30T20:21:54-04:00

Getting Down to Basics: Estate and Gift Taxes

You work hard, save, and take care of your money throughout your life. Therefore, you also need a good plan in place for estate taxes and inheritances to ensure your money goes where you want it to after you pass on. Follow along below to better understand the basics of how estate and gift taxes [...]

Getting Down to Basics: Estate and Gift Taxes2020-04-07T18:53:29-04:00

Looking for an Alternative: A Guide to Alternative Investments

Historically, traditional asset classes such as stocks (equity), bonds (fixed income), and cash have been the primary tools used to build a diversified portfolio.  Stocks provide the opportunity for long-term growth, while bonds have typically preserved investor capital and provided current income in the form of regular interest payments.  As we have highlighted in previous [...]

Looking for an Alternative: A Guide to Alternative Investments2020-04-07T20:01:22-04:00